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Global Inclusive Governance Workshop, Tanzania 29 November- 1 December, 2016

CARE’s 2016 Inclusive Governance workshop was organised by CIUK’s Inclusive Governance Team and CSC Consulting, and hosted by CARE Tanzania. The event was attended by thirty-nine governance champions across Asia, Africa, Middle East and Europe from CARE, peer organisations and partner organisations (World Vision, Kwantu, Hivos, Rupantar andWomen’s Fund Tanzania). The workshop objectives were to: take stock and plan the way forward for mainstreaming Inclusive Governance into CARE’s programming; get inspiration from external organizations doing Inclusive Governance work; provide a forum for Inclusive Governance champions to network and share innovation and learning; and identify concrete thematic areas for programmatic collaboration to deliver CARE’s 2020 Strategy.

Please see Inclusive Governance Workshop Tanzania for more details and report below.

Global Inclusive Governance Guidance Workshop, London 11th-13th November, 2015

The Inclusive Governance Guidance Workshop held in London between 11th-13th November 2015, brought together a technical group and had three key objectives. First, to validate and further discuss the guidance for the Inclusive Governance component of “the CARE Approach”. Second, to propose minimum standards for the integration of Inclusive Governance across CARE’s Humanitarian and long-term development programming. Thirdly, to agree how we can collectively support the mainstreaming of Inclusive Governance. The three day workshop included external panels on topics including ‘Women’s Voice’, ‘Innovations and ICTs in Inclusive Governance’ and ‘Organizational Accountability’ and internal discussions to ensure we are all on the same page and help us decide on next steps for rolling out the guidance.

Please see Inclusive Governance Workshop for more details and report below.

Governance Africa Learning Event (GALE), Nairobi, Kenya, 28th April-1st May 2015

CARE’s Governance Africa Learning Event was held in Nairobi between the 28th April and the 1st May 2015 for our governance practitioners in Africa. This was a crucial juncture at which country offices were able to engage with CARE International’s (CI’s) 2020 Programme Strategy, understand inclusive governance as a non-negotiable core approach and exchange learning to improve country office programming, particularly capitalizing on recent multi-country research on the use of community scorecards in different contexts.

The learning event had 36 participants from 15 country offices across the continent (Ghana, Zambia, Somalia, DR Congo, Togo/Benin, Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Uganda, Egypt, Burundi, Tanzania, Morocco, Kenya, and Rwanda).

Please see GALE for further details.

Governance Learning Event, Kathmandu, Nepal 10th - 13th June, 2013

Between the 10th and 13th of June 2013 CARE International UK in partnership with CARE Nepal carried out an Asia-wide learning event, which aimed: to share and learn from Country Offices and CARE members from their experience of developing and implementing a variety of governance initiatives in Asia; to build the capacity of CARE’s staff on social accountability tools (Community-score cards and budget tracking), and; to explore and discuss current and new governance initiatives and trends outside CARE.

Please see the asia_learning_event_2013 for further details, and see the learning event report below:


Community Score Card Learning Event, Arusha, Tanzania, 19th-22nd January, 2013

In January 2013, CSC experts from across CARE met in Arusha, Tanzania to consolidate CARE’s CSC experience with the goal of advancing CARE’s CSC thinking and practice. During the meeting, the CSC experts were able to talk ‘practitioner to practitioner’ to harness a decade worth of CARE’s CSC experience to tackle tough CSC implementation questions.

Please see the community_score_card_copfor further details.

Governance in Crisis Conference, 5th September, 2012

CARE Netherlands (2012) Governance in crisis conference about governance programming in crisis contexts, 5 September 2012

Please see below for the conference paper:


Governance Action Research Initiative (2009-2011)

Between 2009 - 2011, 6 CARE Country Offices - Angola, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Nepal and Peru participated in the CIUK led GARI process. The initiative worked with staff and partners through action research to encourage participants to reflect on how governance works in their own context and to unpack the ways in which CARE's governance programming impacts upon the lives of people in that context. In December 2010, country office representatives from the six countries shared their GARI and programming experience at a synthesis workshop in the UK, which also involved CARE staff from the US, UK and the Netherlands.

Please seeGARI for further details, and see below for the synthesis paper:


learning_initiatives.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/31 20:38 by