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South Asia

CARE is a global partner in the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA). In Bangladesh, CARE is also one of just two organisations that were awarded grants to support the capacity of citizens to participate at the local level in participatory budgeting and to monitor the use of decentralised government funds.

Bangladesh, JATRA: This is a GPSA-funded governance project called Journey for Advancement in Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA)

The following video clip provides an overview of the project.

The following documentation also provides further information to the project.



Sri Lanka, Including the excluded: This is an EC-funded project (2012 - 2014) which is designed to strengthen the capabilities of Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) and Local Authorities to respond to the needs and entitlements of the Indian Origin Plantation Community, and to increase the engagement of Indian origin plantation communities in local planning, budgeting and service monitoring in the districts of Nuwara Eliya, Kandy and Badulla. The project will benefit 465,727 people. It is supporting policy analysis and facilitating local and national level fora to lobby for desired policy changes. It also aims to build the capacity of local authorities to be more responsive to the needs of the plantation communities; training in participatory planning, budgeting, accountability mechanisms, governance and Tamil language. Further, the project helps to strengthening Community Development Forum (CDF) as a space for engagement with local governance; enhance capacity of CDF to identify and access resources of local authorities and register CDF with the Divisional Secretariat as a Rural Development Society.

East Asia

CARE Cambodia Health Strengthening Systems: The HSS project is a 5-year project financed by the Global Fund and carried out with local partners in three remote provinces with a high proportion of ethnic minorities. The goal of the project is to strengthen good governance in the health system through community participation, and in so doing ensure that they are able to access quality health services (e.g. related to HIV, Malaria and TB). One major tool employed to achieve this is community score cards.

Please see the below presentation for further details on the use of community score cards in the the project:


More Information on CARE Cambodia Governance work, including case studies:









For more information, please contact the Governance Advisor for Asia, Rebecca Haines, at

social_accountability_in_asia.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/12 16:38 (external edit)