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CIVICUS: A global network dedicated to enhancing “the rights, freedoms, health and vitality of civil society as a whole”. CIVICUS is essentially a membership network encompassing a geographically and thematically diverse membership, complemented by a wide range of partnerships with global, regional, national and local civil society organisations (CSOs) and other parts of civil society, governments and donors. In broad terms, it is a platform, a united front designed to leverage and country-specific, local and regional experience, to generate research and analysis and to engage in collective action on issues such as human rights, development effectiveness, governance and climate change, amongst others.

Transparency International: Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.

International Budget Partnership: The International Budget Partnership collaborates with civil society around the world to use budget analysis and advocacy as a tool to improve effective governance and reduce poverty.

csos.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/11 21:08 (external edit)