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Digitalisation. This means embedding ICT into our programming to operate at scale and reach out to a wider population.


Innovation around SA approaches focuses on integrating technology into the traditional way of operating to scale up and reach a wider population (crowd sourcing). Specific innovations being developed include:

• In Malawi a customised Mobile Teacher Absenteeism Reporting System that enables students, head teachers and school management committee members to submit reports on teacher attendance via text message, and have this fed into the CSC process;

School Management Committee Chairperson sending SMS recording teacher absenteeism

• The use of mobile phones to enable communities to monitor illegal logging in Uganda;

• In Ghana, ghanas_strengthening_accountability_mechanisms_gsam project, CARE and partners established a citizen monitoring e-platform to monitor the performance of capital development projects using e-monitoring equipment (hand-held Internet-enabled devices like iPads) to send SMS, still pictures, video and voice recording, etc.

digitalisation.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/31 20:20 by