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Welcome to the CARE Humanitarian Partnership and Localization Wiki!

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If you have any questions or contributions to the Partnerships wiki, please contact Frederique Lehoux (

Welcome to CARE's Wiki on Partnerships!
Partnership is central to CARE’s vision and mission. CARE believes that it is only through the collective action of many actors that we can save lives in emergencies and overcome poverty and injustice. CARE has made its partnering ambition clear, enshrining Partnership as a core Program principle and endorsing the Principles of Partnership (2007), the Charter for Change and the Grand Bargain (2016). Within the larger Partnership conversation, localizing aid has emerged as a critical pillar of the humanitarian reforms adopted at the World Humanitarian Summit. It calls for a more collaborative and equitable humanitarian system that relies on national and local leadership of humanitarian response, supplemented – not led – by international actors. This shift requires change to the way CARE funds, invests, and engages in humanitarian action: as signatories to these agreements, we must deliver on our commitments to more equitable partnerships.

Internal CARE resources

CARE Partnership Initiatives:

CARE Country Office Partnership Strategies:

CARE Country Office Partnership Tools:

Partnership Evaluation/AARs:

CARE resource people:

External resources

Helpful resources from outside CARE, including strategies, tools and templates for strengthened partnerships and localization.

Partnership Principles and Tools:

Country Specific:


Missed opportunities series

partnership.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/12 18:10 by admin